Books Comparison: Tom Gates vs Big Nate vs Diary of a Wimpy Kid vs Dork Diaries
Hello everyone.
Middle grade fiction/graphic novels(is it?) is one of my favourite genre. I love the funny and witty middle grade comic/drawing/diary and I basically read this genre when I feel boring, sad or just need some emotional boost. However, there are so many choices of book for this genre and as a regular reader I tend to compare this book genre and choose what I love the most. Just to remind everyone, this is my personal preference and you may/may not take my opinion seriously..because everyone is different.
So, let's get started...
Tom Gates by Liz Pichon
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Author: Liz Pichon
Amazon Link: Buy now
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Genre: Children fiction/graphic novels
Buy: Yes
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To be very honest, I pick up this book or this whole series (at that time they only got 5 books) because of the drawing. It is so pretty and it was a love first sigh I have with this book. This series now have about 9 books currently and possibly to be expanding more. My favourite book from the series is the latest book I've read which is the 7th book: Tom Gates: (A tiny bit) Lucky. I am pretty sure last time my favourite book from the series is the 6th book. I think it depends on the latest book I've read at the time because the story is getting better and better throughout the series.
I don't know much about the series at first but I was impress by how much I like this book throughout the series not just because of the drawing but the storyline as well. The first book for me it's not really the best, but I still continue with the series. Surprise..surprise.. I love it. The character development and the storyline is getting more interesting by the time I finish the second book (I think). I'm not really sure when, but I realized that I laugh a lot and I don't feel boring reading this series anymore. I love every character especially Tom because he was an honest kid and really innocent and I grown to love his character like he was this funny kid I personally know. Tom is very smart kid, love art and music (both are not my expertise, but I adore people who have talent in these area). He is pretty straightforward and full of idea in his drawing and creative making music. kid. I love how he express every single thing that happen in his day and personally I was a little bit jealous of his life, because it's so fun. Other than the lovable characters, they are some character I find annoying. can't love everyone right?
Big Nate by Lincoln Pierce
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Author: Lincoln Pierce
Amazon Link: Buy now
Book Depository Link: Buy now
Genre: Children fiction/graphic novels/Comic stripes
Buy: No. Borrowed from my sister.
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So far I think I've read 5 books from the series and remember that it was really funny and I really looking forward to read it whenever I visited my sister (because she has like huge collection of children graphic novels/comic stripes). Okay, my sister literally has tons of this kinda book and her favourite is always Big Nate. I know why she and my brother in law love it because it is funny and you feel like you're reading comic stripes from the newspaper and it's a quick read. For those who can't commit to long writing or essay kinda thing (kids especially), I really suggest this series.
However, I was reading some of the review from the Goodreads about this series and I found that people either love it or hate it. They are some issues regarding this series and mostly because Nate character can be a little bit controversial. He's a trouble maker boy, really hate his school and always making fun of his teacher and classmate. Some of the things that he said might be a little harsh and would really influence children in a bad way because he like to tease and said lots of bad things about his teacher and so on. But don't worry, it's not like this series teach children how to be rude and talk in bad ways. It's more into the freedom of speech by this innocent boy who has so many thought about something. I think it's really normal for children at that age to be like him because we doesn't necessarily love our teacher at that time right? It's pretty normal for children to make fun of each other..but I don't know you. So people might find it a little unpleasant and not a very good book for children. It all depend on how you see the book. I read this book when I was not in middle grade, so I don't really take it seriously and I was not bother by the way this book has been written. Basically, this is a really funny book but there are some uncomfortable scene, so don't thing much about it..just enjoy.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney
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Author: Jeff Kinney
Amazon Link: Buy now
Book Depository Link: Buy now
Genre: Children fiction/graphic novels
Buy: No. Borrowed from my sister.
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Diary of Wimpy Kid series is the most popular series in this genre. I always saw this book in the bookstore and specifically in the best seller section. I guess most of the children that love and want to try reading will definitely pick up this series. I'm not really sure why this book is popular, but I was introduced to this book because I watched the movie first. And I love the movie so much, I wanna try to read the book. Yeah, maybe that's one of the reason this book is popular.
Let me tell you what I think about this book. For me, it was okay. Not really special or funny, just okay. I think I've read 5 books from the series, but to be very honest I don't remember anything that I've read. I might read the same book from the series, because I can't remember the latest book I've read from the series. Compare to Tom Gates, I feel really close to the character and the story grown in me after some time. But Diary of Wimpy Kid doesn't give the same effect. I can't recall anything and I'm not really interested anymore to read this series. I may/may not pick up this series again, depending on my mood. The series currently have 10 books and possibly of expanding. 10 books? Wow..nice.
Dork Diaries by Rachel Renee Russell
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Author: Rachel Renee Russell
Amazon Link: Buy now
Book Depository Link: Buy now
Genre: Children fiction/graphic novels
Buy: Yes
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Dork diaries is about a Nikki, the unpopular girl that has huge crush on a perfect boy at school. She written a diary that basically about her crush, the mean girl at the school and drama drama drama.This series currently consist of 10 books and I own 2 of them. I've read 3 or 4 books from the series.
I think something is definitely wrong with me. Or is it the book? This series is just not my cup of tea. I tried my best to read this series (hence those 3 or 4 book that I've read), but I just couldn't like it enough and lose interest in it. But please, do not listen to me. I'm just weird. It's not that I hate Nikki or anything, I just hate the whole storyline. Cliche, boring and really depressing for me. I don't find anything from this book that might interest me. Full of drama..but not good drama. Just some whiny drama and mean girls drama. I do not need this kind of drama in this type of book. And it just not all. For those who really like drama type of book about an unpopular girl who always been a target of mean girls and how she manage to shine away and make her crush notice her and so can guess where this is going, you definitely should pick up this book.
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